D&D servers?

Just wondering if anybody ever plays Defend and Destroy anymore. Used to love playing those back in the day.


  • Oh.. good... for a second I was wondering why you were bringing Dungeons and Dragons into T2. I mean, there were T1 servers with some RPG mod going but...

    Maybe people aren't playing Defend and Destroy, Capture and Hold, or other multi-team gametypes because.... I dunno, they like splitting it evenly down the middle? Half the people are good guys, kill the fuck out of everyone else? To be honest, multiple team gametypes are what I envisioned T1/2 were going to be like after playing through the training missions in both (yes I'm one of the few that did). Strategy elements like the CC seemed to lend themselves to handling more than one enemy (or allied) team. But alas, it's CTF or Deathmatch now, with sprinkled other mods thrown on the list, populated by bots.
  • Defend and Destroy is broken. If you TK your team's whole base, it will give you a win for the map.
  • only active mods are arena, ctf, and construction..
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