Vista 32-Bit Installer Issues

Has anyone else had trouble actually just getting the linked client from the download page to install? I can get up the old WISE installation wizard that says the installation is initializing but after dawdling around 10 minutes or so it never seems to be going anywhere. I fussed with the compatibility modes but it still seems to not be going anywhere.


  • Is this the GameSpy Installer?
  • I don't know what installer I have exactly. I downloaded it from this site. Let me try to get it again.
  • The installer for the game that we link to was released by Sierra in 2004. For legal reasons, we haven't touched or made any modifications to that installer, so you get a virgin copy if you install from that.

    I don't know of any specific issues with that installer, but, I also don't have any Vista hardware.
  • The second copy ran fine. Drat not having CRC or anything to check it against. Vista loves to eat my downloads when I'm not looking.
  • Glad to hear it.
  • Installing the core game and multiplayer component back to back worked fine for me on Vista 32 without any extra work.
  • it even worked for me in vista 64 bit.. so.......its probably a wrong installer.
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