Server list not showing up (i've read FAQ)

edited May 2009 in Support

I've read the topic.

I've forwarded the Tribes port to router, firewall exception is in place, deleted the DSO files, & I have the latest patch installed. I do not use AVG, there is no link scanner.

I suppose I'm just going to have to go back to Operation 7 until this is fixed. And yes, I've done everything correct, I'm not new to these sort of things. I have no server problems with any other game I play.
I'll check back at this topic & my messages regularly. I'd really like to play Tribes 2 again.

edit: Oh and I can see the web listing.


  • Try disabling your firewall completely just to test, because it's most likely a firewall problem (note that some firewalls don't disable completely even when you tell them to).
  • If you can see in a web browser, but the game can't process the same page, it's a software firewall issue.
  • I've decided to just keep playing the games I'm playing.
    I've never encountered this problem before with any game I've played and it sounds to me like I'll have to put my computer at risk just to play the game.
    Thanks, but no thanks :)
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