
  • mHyth
  • Member since
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  • Do you have any clue as to where that is specified? I've looked everywhere I can think of, but haven't found anything that will stop it from exploding.
  • Wow...never thought of that, but won't that make the vehicle go 'boom?' I've been looking for the reason, but the vehicles always explode when flipped. Is this associated to the gravity? If so then will that even be a concern?
  • So, I could mount the player into a vehicle, say a gravcycle, and could manipulate it in multiple ways? What I was planning to do was have the object enter a trigger, then it would be rotated and a force applied to push the object down onto the pad or whatever was there. I was thinking of making a race map that had this…
  • Thanks for your input! Although I've already considered making the gravity go "up" but that's a universal effect so to say, and isn't exactly what I want. If I go with the applyImpluse suggestion is there anyway to rotate the players' shape to correspond with the force pulling the player?
  • Has covered this problem, please look for an answer there.
  • $Clip[%c] indicates which clip you are using, such as PlasmaClip, and %CPClip = %client.player. Again, I haven't a real clue as in how to fix this.
  • If you are using an old Tracer before the TN patch you will need to upgrade to the one Nao fixed, it should still be somewhere in the forums, it fixes this problem and others caused by the TN revival patch.
  • Support.vl2 is a renamed .zip file, it should contain all of those .cs files in it.
  • Go into the mis file, you can do this with Tribal IDE or notepad and look for the terrain datablock, it should say the terrain file. If it isn't what the map name is, odds are that its a serverside terrain file, the one you used to make the map. To make a terrain file, you have to edit the terrain itself, a good way to do…
  • To insert a mod for you to host you need to download the zip file for it, then place it into the C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\Gamedata folder. Example: Phantom's C&C mod(using it because I just saw it near this post) would most likely be in ZIP format. You would then extract it, you would want the extracted folder to have the…
  • Each bold term is where the code below it is, so the first is at the top of projectiles.cs, second is in ShapeBaseImageData::onFire, guess I forgot the onFire, its below the check for if it uses energy(in segment of code). Third is directly below onFire, the fourth and fifth are both at the very end of buyFavorites and…
  • Possible solution, right click on it, go to properties, un-check "Keep Task Bar On Top Of Other Windows," Or you can choose to auto-hide the task bar, keeps it on top, but only when you scroll your mouse to the bottom. Hope that helps.