
  • notman
  • Member since
  • Last active (1 visits)


  • yeah, it loads them alphabetically, but that shouldn't matter with skins. That's fine if that's why though.
  • Funny, I see my transformer skins in there, but they've been relabeled as zSkin. Is this someone taking credit for other people's work? It's cool that they are available, but I hung with guys at the skinners guild (when it existed), and all the guys ever wanted was to make sure they got proper cred for their work ;) btw,…
  • Great games guys. Not sure how many of you may have made it, but we had a big turn out this week. If any of you missed it, make sure to hook up with us next week :)
  • Try not to get hung up on the groundkill. It's there to help change the game dynamics. We could make it more 'explainable' by changing the ground type, but it would make the maps become very similar. If you join us tonight, and attempt to work will people, you'll be rewarded with fun :) [me=notman]waves back at Teratos[/me]
  • Bump/reminder... tis our fight night again tonight :)
  • Great work on putting that together. It looks damn good :)
  • Just a reminder.... today is Friday (our Fight Night)
  • Why not just play TAC? ;) (other than the maps aren't server side only)
  • I'll trade you some icons for some code ;) What icons are you looking for? The logo/game icon? Or stuff from in game? If you just want the small game logo, I found it on google:
  • Sure am... thanks for the compliment :)
  • Thanks... I'm actually working on revamping the site, now that tribesnext seems to have injected more players. There have been talks about pickup games, but they never seem to turn into anything (at least in the past). Personally, I can only make it to Friday night games (due to work schedules and such), but I know others…
  • I think the problem is, everyone is looking for populated servers, rather than joining. So if you're looking for a server with people, and leave when you don't see one, then how will these servers ever get populated. Join a server... sit idle for a bit... let people see you on there waiting. Eventually, someone will…
  • lol, I hear ya. Congrats on the upcoming twins btw. I have two daughters, and the demanding wife ;) My job is an hour from home and I'm at work 11 hours every day... so basically I lose 13 hours to work every day. Not trying to compete... just pointing out where my time goes ;) Anyway, I'm REALLY rusty on PHP right now,…
  • Any way of getting your code once you're done? ;) (I'd like to see how you're handling it, then make my own adaptation on my site) I'm not looking to steal any code. I'm just hoping you might save me some time, which I don't have much of these days :(
  • That'll work too, but I'd love to see a list of servers, in case other TAC servers appear. The link you've provided will at least help tell what that status of our paid server is, so thanks for a starting point :)
  • When was this? Try Friday nights at around 9PM EST, and I guarantee you'll have someone to play ;)
  • The catseye.dts error is definitely related to a missing map, so if you already have the Dynamix Map Pack (the extra pack), then the mod probably didn't install correctly, or maybe delete your DSO files.
  • Actually guys, I'm a mod at Planettribes, and I can tell you that it would be very unlikely to return. The forums could definitely use the traffic, but the news site was basically closed for good. I could talk with people to see about changing that, but from the sounds of it, no one wants it to return anyway ;) Tribalwar…