So is Tribes 2 now "legally free"?

I've known the event that Sierra shut down the master servers of Tribes 2 so Tribes Next is born and players can play T2 without Cd keys.

But does it mean that Sierra gives up the right of T2, so everyone can share this game freely/legally? Does Sierra confirm that?

I'm not here to challenge you, I'm just being cautious on this issue because I want to promote Tribes Next by submitting a news report, and I don't want my article to be banned or declined for sharing games illegally.

Thanks for the replies. If it's confirmed that T2 can be shared at all means legally, I'll get started to write a report.

Salute to Tribes community btw :)


  • I can't answer officially, but I believe they gave the TN developers a nod and then looked the other way.
  • Tribes1 and 2 were both released as freeware a bit before T:V was released and afaik they're both still on fileplanet so yeah.
  • Yeah, Serria don't really care about the 'tribes' franchise, but copyright still belongs to them.
  • I suggest you dis-regard current post. And wait to talk to Thyth, because he is the one that consulted a lawyer. If he doesn't answer here give him a PM. I know a news article will be great.
  • Tribes is free and has been free for quite a while now. What would be illegal would be trying to sell it as your own software or duplicate the game in another engine (as that may be copyright infringement).
  • See:

    This project is in the legal clear, and explicit approval from Vivendi/Universal Games (who owns rights to the game) is not necessary.
  • Thank you
    Then I can start to write the article without any worries ;D
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