
Nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw a YouTube video with my nuke I made for construction mod. If I get time, I'm thinking about makin a new mod. For real this time. Like, not half finished and dropped before I move on to the next thing. I swear!

Also, just thought I'd say hello.
Hello! *waves*


  • Welcome to Tribesnext.
  • aw man you made the nuke lol I loved the nuke in construction.The one for the rev mod bomber aint so bad either :D
  • It's the earthworm!
    Huzzah, we are saved![me=Turkeh]gets plastered by a moving crate.[/me]
  • That the huge mushroom cloud nuke? That thing was awesome.

    If you're interested in getting back into modding, you could see if Gokou wants some help with his GTW mod. You've obviously got talent, and I'm sure he'd love your help. The mod's wonderful too.
  • I'm more of a "Ask and ye shall receive" type helper, and I've got some of my own ideas I want to try ;)

    And while this is still a new post, I tried to host a server a few days ago, but it didn't show up on the master list. Is there anything I have to do besides the port forwarding?
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