Ataraxist - Base Defense


I am looking to once again compete in T2 competitions.

Recently I have began playing T2 seriously again after many years of down time. I have been reviving my skills slowly through CTF and Arena matches, but occasionally have been watching old clan matches. I used to be a member of STD or Strategical Team Dominance, ranked 20 or so back in the day in the 7v7 CTF ladder, and a recruit of E! or Elite, whose rank I cant remember at the moment. I played for about 3 years, untill other games took my interest, and eventually T2 died out.

Shortly put, I have had a lot of experience, and am now looking to join a clan once again.

I play Base Defense, particularly heavy flag defense, but I am also a fairly decent HO and Flag Capper (though if that's what your looking for, I'm not your guy.) I can decently manage a farm, and I know how to find, route and kill enemy base offense.

If you have seen me in Arena, you know I cant stay alive at all, but that is mainly practice for me. If you have seen me in CTF, then you know I can defend a flag, or a gen, or switch, or v-pad if necessary.

(As an added bonus, I am very familiar with the CC, and can issue orders during enemy downtime if needed...)

Please respond here or via PM if you are interested, but since I am serious about this, please only respond if your clan already has regular practice.


  • I see...

    Well the offer is still open...

    untill then, ill be crying T.T

    (i might make a team if enough people are willing :P)
  • You need to join #lastgasp on and ask there. Fling is a good person to talk to about being put on a team.

    I believe there is also an "I need a team" team on TWL that you can join so the teams are aware of you.

    One more thing you might want to do is look through the list of teams on the ladder and find ones that need players - ask their founders about joining.
  • Yea i have been on the I Need a Team team for a bit now, and i dont have IRC, which i should prolly look into...

  • IRC is definately what you need. Heavy Defense is a very specific posistion... that isn't really used that much in 7 man comp. I'd recommend learning a new one.
  • IRC is definately what you need. Heavy Defense is a very specific posistion... that isn't really used that much in 7 man comp. I'd recommend learning a new one.

    This is wrong. Just diversify your bonds and shit.
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