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  • Thank you very much for your help. Now I get the Heartbeat confirmed message directly on the server 😎 👍️
  • Thanks for the detailed answer. I am not running in LAN mode, it is a copy of my old server which is running fine online and also shown on the server list. So I just did a check with Curl and also with Lynx and I always get a 403 Forbidden and this Message from Cloudflare as answer. Icon for…
  • Yes, I already checked everything again, the firewall can not be an issue, since I can connect manually over JoinGame, so the port is open. ServerPrefs.cs is also the correct one where I did the edit. And I don't use ispawn, since it is a Debian 11 server, I just run it over xvfb and wine with the Tribes2.exe -dedicated as…
  • Thank you very much for the fix, now everything is running fine 😀
  • I have now more information, I checked the IP address over the console on both of my servers with echo($IPv4::InetAddress); The old server gaves me my public IP address, but the new server only a simple 1979 as IP address. This is then of course the reason why it is not listed. But now the question is, from where does…
  • It is working now, not a fresh installation of Tribes 2 is needed, a fresh installation of Tribes2Config_1.8 will be needed. So I guess some files are missing in the normal version, now I can set up a dedicated server. The only thing what I have is, that BotCount will be ignored, server will always start with 16 bots, also…
  • This is really cool, thank you very much. But how can I host a dedicated server? I have tried a fresh installation, used only your files, started the dedicated server, it loaded the normal Katabatic map but without any bots, looks like enabled bots in ServerPrefs.cs will be ignored, I can join this server, voted for map…