
  • kyanos
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • was using tricon 2, but removed it cause the guys who im hosting for dont favor Tricon xD i completely uninistalled tricon before putting in evo though
  • i didnt have all of the required ports open it seems, so i opened them up and it stopped kicking people... i had 28000 open, apparently i needed 27999, 28000, 28001, and 29001 opened from what my friend said... i opened those and it worked scratch that :| put in Evo mod, and it wiped all my settings etc... and screwed up a…
  • thanks for the assistance, issue has been fixed
  • not working unfortunately- did a search through my tribes folder for all .dso files and deleted em, my server is running on high speed, not visibility. im running tricon 2, though it boots folks whether or not tricon is active (i've removed it before to test) right now i've had 4 different people test it, 2 have been able…
  • indeed, i just checked today, kinda dont have access to the computer reliably, and its showing up fine... its not saying 'adding server' every heartbeat, and it was actually listed when i went and checked the master server listing
  • -- Sent heartbeat to TN Master. ( Server Time: 01/23/2009 02:06:36 (local) - Server added to list. is this the message you are asking about? only one i see that mentions the master server at all... and it says the server added to list line every time it does it
  • its set to "always" the server is running through ispawn if that makes any difference at all, with tricon running on it its dedicated and running the 'base' mod... not classic or anything else. im behind a router, but the port im hosting on is open (as checked and directly tested by others joining the server) is there a…