can't create account

When I got to step 3 of the account formation process, an error message told me something to the effect that the server chose not to accept it. I saw other people having this problem due to trying to create multiple accounts in less than a week's time, but I haven't been able to make a single account yet. Wow, i'm impatient to get back into Tribes 2! Thank you.


  • Do you share a connection with anyone (ie college, etc), or have an open wireless connection? This error will really only occur if an account truly has been made with the IP...
  • Turns out my account was created after all. Never mind that error message I suppose (in some cases)
  • I share a connection with a roommate and I would like to install the game myself. How can I go about getting it installed on two more computers?
  • Installing it won't be a problem, the IP restriction is only on account creation.
  • so, say I go to another IP to create my accounts. Can I play with multiple computers on the same IP? Otherwise, how can I get two more accounts created?
  • Yes, you can play with multiple computers that share the same connection.
  • Why is there IP restrictions? It seems rather illogical to restrict account creation to only one account per ip, especially considering dorms, roommates, etc.

    Is there any way to lift this restriction? It's a real hassle to do anything with this game otherwise.
  • The restriction is one account per week (with a max of five). There is no way to lift the IP restriction unless you get someone to register for you.
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