Cannot Login to Old T2 Account, Cannot Create New Account

Well, my brother installed the T:N patch on my computer and created an account and started playing last night. Apparently it works just fine for him.

For me, it does not. I went to the list and chose my old T2 username and typed in the password, it went to retrieve it and said the Username/Pass combination was incorrect. Now I was 90% sure I used the right password, but tried the only other of two passwords I could possibly used and it said the same thing. I tried this several times, it fails every time.

So I tried to create an account. I figure as long as I'm playing, it doesn't matter. Everything works fine (used 1024 key) up until name creation. I type in my old account name and password, it says it is available. I create, and the server "Understood my request but chose not to process it." So I try again with a few other account names, and it says the same thing for all of them.

I wait a bit, check this site a bit, and find that there are lots of bugs with the 1024 key. So I try again with a 768 key and the same error occurs.

If anyone can help me, it would be much appreciated.


  • Old T2 account, did you mean the one you had before the patch? If so that won't ever work again. If not I don't know. But if your brother made an account last night then you have to wait a week to create another. There is a one week waiting period before you can create a new account from the same IP up to 5 total. You can however go to a different IP download and install the game and patch, create an account there, uninstall the game then go back to your computer and use that one. Either way, the best bet would be to wait week to make a new account :P for the time being you might just try to use a smurf with your brothers account if he'll let you.
  • Okay, I didn't realize there was a waiting period. And thanks for the info about the account, I didn't realize I would have to make a new one at first.

    I guess I'll have to go wired and make my account. Thanks a bunch.
  • No problem, just trying to get people interested in Tribes 2 more, we need to rebuild our community. :P
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