Brand new info on Tribes:Ascend.

New Trailer

It's a F2P game.
Setting up a game for the free-to-play (F2P) market seems like risky business. I mean, how do you make money from something that you are giving away for free? In actuality, and perhaps counter-intuitively, the free-to-play model seems to be lower-risk than the traditional boxed-game model. With no barrier for entry, thousands can try a game and the developer can let its quality speak for itself. By cleverly throwing in micro-transactions a developer can make fistfuls of cash from a growing, often competitive audience looking to get some edge over their friends and rivals. If a developer makes their puchasables too valuable (say, a sword that is more powerful than anything a player can reasonably obtain for free), however, the developer may alienate the majority its players.

Hi-Rez Studios, the development team behind free-to-play MMO shooter Global Agenda, is all too aware of the difficulties of creating a good free-to-play game. But they're also acutely aware of the potential benefits. That's why Tribes: Ascend, the next game to come from the studio, is going to be free-to-play. Tribes: Ascend includes all the halmarks of the series. The setting is futuristic and colorful, players have jetpacks, and skiing -- where players glide along the surface of the terrain at great speeds -- is central to the gameplay. It's very fast-paced and a huge amount of fun, but making a game like Tribes: Ascend free-to-play and still financially viable may be a challenge.

The traditional microtransaction model that a lot of F2P MMORPGs have used, where potions and convenience items can be bought and used, doesn't work so well for a first-person-shooters. With Team Fortress 2's recent switch to free-to-play, the approach was to give players alternate weapons. For Tribes: Ascend, Hi-Rez is talking inspiration from one of the most successful games in the free-to-play market -- League of Legends.

For League of Legends, Riot develops brand new champions and releases them on a two-week cycle. These champions can be bought using in-game currency (the standard new champ requires about 40-60 games worth of in-game currency to buy) or can be bought using actual cash for five to ten US dollars. There's a roster of freely usable champions that rotates every week, so even if you don't buy any champions you can still have a lot of fun, but getting really good at a few particular champions typically requires a purchase.

It's a model that has worked extremely well for Riot, and with Tribes: Ascend, Hi-Rez hopes to emulate that success. Naturally, there are some differences, though. Instead of buying champions, Tribes players will be buying loadouts. A loadout determines the characteristics of your character in battle -- specifically, their armor type (light, medium or heavy) which also affects movement (heavy units move slowly, light very quicky), the two weapons they will be carrying, the type of explosive they will wield, and what their pack (which can change the dynamic of a character) does.

As an example, one loadout gave my character medium armor, an explosive-disk-shooting gun, a decent rapid-firing handgun, a set of grenades, and 20% more energy for my standard jetpack. It was a sort of all-rounder loadout that allowed me to assault the enemy's base or defend my own depending on what was needed.

A different loadout gave me heavy armor, a repair tool to fix structures with, a basic rifle, the ability to throw down mines (instead of grenades), and the ability to drop turrets. This was a much more defensive build, letting me patch up base structures like generators and cover key areas with my turrets.

There were loadouts designed for stealth and infiltration, for long-range siege, and for straight-up killing too. Like League of Legends, Hi-Rez wants to be able to push new loadouts out regularly, providing new ways for players to take on the enemy, as well as make available cosmetic buyables like skins. There will also likely be ways to increase the rate of your character growth, as an experience and leveling system of sorts will provide customization options and perks.

The question is, will a model that worked for League of Legends still work for a completely different style of game? I have concerns about giving players customization options in a game where the distinction between friend and enemy at a glance is so important. I'm also not sure how desirable owning different loadouts will be. With LoL, it's simply a case of being facerolled by someone in a different champion to make you want to own that champion. With Tribes: Ascend, the ability to tell what loadout a person is using is much tougher, and it is likely that you will be able to switch between a limited set of loadouts during a match, making the distinction even tougher. Even if each loadout was visually distinct, the pace of the game means that by the time you're close enough to identify another player, you might already be dead.

The core game is very strong -- I played it for a couple hours and thoroughly enjoyed it -- so that may be enough to ensure its success critically, but whether it will be successful commercially will depend on how well Hi-Rez can make one player want to fill a dozen roles. I'm not 100% certain that a FPS like Tribes is where something like that can happen, but I probably would have said the same about DotA a few years ago.

Instead of highly customizable load outs available to everybody. you'll get some predetermined free ones and some you will have to pay for.

also two guns at a time.

At least we still have tribes next.


  • Console here we come!
  • At least we still have tribes next.

    There is also "Tribes 1", which is still alive if you update your master servers. Plays in Windows and Linux thru Wine.

    And also "Legends" ( which has an update in the pipes that should hit fairly soon. Plays in both Windows and Linux (natively)

    Pics in post.

    So there is really 3 decent Tribes style games you could be playing without giving up your credit card, Tribes 1, Tribes 2 thru TribesNext, and Legends. Sure, they are all a little different from each other but between the 3 there is plenty of good times to be had.

    Commercial game companies have a tendency to screw the pooch. Even if upon release this new Tribes was excellent, its still likely to fade out soon due to the usual pressures by the pointy haired ones and their marketing droids. Things like "buying" weapons or champions, what ever that is, won't fly even if the game is absolutely great.

    If you're still thinking in terms of big daddy game company doing it for you it just ain't gonna happen. Just pick a game(s) and support it (them).
  • I've been discussing this quite a bit over on SA, and I'm starting to feel that it's a little too early to condemn it no matter how terrible it looks/sounds. The FOV, Bloom, Motion Blur and weapon size are all outrageous--especially for a game that requires awareness of your surroundings--and of course the 2 weapon limit has always been a bullshit mechanic, but the F2P/loadout aspects could work well despite changing the flow of team play.

    It's probably a bad idea to consider this a Tribes game more than something else with gameplay mechanics akin to Tribes, however. It may turn out to be a good game in it's own right, but as stated above, you should't expect or even hope for the reboot of a beloved franchise to satiate your hunger for more of it. Instead, return to the classics.
  • I believe this won't compare to the Tribes franchise in the way to play. The mechanics look like they're there, but when it comes down to it, paying for better equipment doesn't settle well in my stomach...

    This is my opinion now, it will hopefully change when the game is released.

    EDIT: Thanks for the article.
  • edited June 2011
    Well, it is the whole basis of the F2P model, like it or not. It's easy to forget you didn't pay for the game when your first reaction to microtransactions is naturally adverse. It certainly is somewhat skeezy, but I think it's still too soon to tell whether the model inherently produces bad games.

    It stands to reason that the game needs to be fun--or at least addictive--to convince people to spend their spare change on content (unless players need to spend money on content to find out if the game is good.) Furthermore, it's almost guaranteed that the stuff they nickel and dime you for will be accessible through effort as well as through credit card, which I personally feel provides additional incentive to continue playing a game (still playing TF2 four years later and never spent a dime post orange box pre-order other than to support mappers.)

    Also, for what it's worth,
    Now, I don't know the slightest thing about this game, but I am friends with a whole bunch of Global Agenda players who have been testing this thing on and off. Some of them are huge fans of the Tribes franchise.

    The response has been pretty much all positive. When I ask them how Ascend is, they say it's great and has fantastic freedom of movement. And that it plays nothing like Global Agenda, and everything like Tribes.

    Make of that what you will.
  • Can we ban this guy?

    1. He's from SA
    2. He is a proxy fanboi for the T:A abomination
    3. Communist
  • TheBeaz was from sa though i don't think that is a very good reason.
  • Was ist SA?
  • Ban everyone for they are tribes fans and therefore worthless garbage human beings, have a nice day.
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