Which security option in the account creation?

First post, and I'm sad to see it be in the support section, but I guess I'll start off with saying that its amazing to be playing this game after all these years. It truly brings back memories.

The Question I had was, when I did my account creation, it gave me 3 different security options, 512, and 2 others (768 and 1024 I'm assuming). I stuck with the 512 becuase I didn't want to change any settings and possibly mess anything up, but I'm wondering was this important? Should I have gone for the highest option? Should I not even worry about it, or is there a way to change it? Any input would be great.

Once again, its great to be playing this awesome game again. Take care everyone.


  • Basically these settings are to determine the preferred method of encryption which is a security measure against account thieves and the like. Setting it to 512 allows for a faster encryption time, but a lower hacker tolerance (less protection). Each different setting is a higher quality encryption and harder to crack but requires much more time to encrypt.
  • The options are there to control how long key generation takes. 512-bit keys don't take very long so they are the default.

    Cracking a 512-bit key still takes more than a year of CPU time on a high end system.
  • And really, if someone doesn't have anything better to do than to crack someone's freely-registered Tribes account, they've got serious issues.

    I've read that there have been some issues with the 1024-bit generation. I ran mine with 512 and it was done in about 30 seconds.
  • [Would Be] Funny to watch someone try to crack it though.
  • Don't use 1024, I read elsewhere on the site that it's not working correctly.
  • Glad to see it choose the right one. Thanks everyone!
  • I'd use 4 bit encryption! it's not like the account is worth gold.....yet.....
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