BIggest Jerks Ever!



  • Yeah, I don't think there's a day that goes by without someone on my team backlancing or discing me off the vpad because they thought I was taking too much time on it. The new admin influx has made things a bit better though in that people actually get punished, as it seems half the time when I call votekicks for people intentionally TKing me they faill to pass D:.

    I don't know if it's tards who just wants to cut in the queue to get their shrike 10 seconds faster, or if it's new people who don't know that the spawn animation has to finish and vehicle move off the pad before you can order a new one, and instead think you're the idiot because you're still standing on the pad waiting the previous vehicle to spawn first before ordering yours ::).
  • One of my script packs has a favorites for vehicles, automatically selecting that vehicle when you enter the vpad. Also, as the vehicle is spawning, I move off the pad and to either side, where I wait for it to finish spawning and teleport in. And further, when I get in, I jet up as high as necessary so the pad is cleared. But then, I usually only call up shrikes; the heavier ordinance handles too sluggishly.
  • Stay in your vehicle and no one can steal it - don't get vehicles randomly (havocs when heavies don't need/want a ride).

    Also, get off the pad as soon as you order your vehicle or every experience player around will come to backlance you.
  • Also, get off the pad as soon as you order your vehicle or every experience player around will come to backlance you.
    Why would an experienced player intentionally TK over a vehicle? They should have better things to do with their time.

    As for spawning etiquette, just don't buy a vehicle you can't use. Heavies should not be buying vehicles and yelling for pilots, nor should players spawn a Havoc and then sit on the pad waiting for riders. If possible, move off the pad.
    As I said, when I spawn a vehicle, I get off the sta so someone else can start browsing, but we all have to wait for the spawn to finish.
  • Also, get off the pad as soon as you order your vehicle or every experience player around will come to backlance you.
    I've played this game quite enough many years to know to get the fuck off the pad once the vehicle is spawning, thank you -_-

    What happens here is getting TK'd while the PREVIOUS users' vehicle is still spawning and you've just moved on the pad, waiting to hit the vehicle hotkey as soon as the spawn animation for the previous vehicle finishes :v
  • as vpad thing I dont mind waiting a few seconds for the people to get there team in for maybe a tank or bomber but I am not waiting 5 minutes for a havoc to fill up with heavys it isnt so hard to move your vehicle to the side.Yes I know the map your talking about where the only way to get out is through the roof the names escapes me ATM but thats just one map,What happens if you take to long moving your vehicle off the vpad you get disked or shocklanced or bombed.
    then you got the asshats standing on your head while ordering so you cant move,Some people still dont know you can order and leave the circle right after you will still spawn in your vehicle so order move to the side it will speed things up just a little but sometimes a little makes a big difference.
    To stop people from jumping in and taking your vehicles there is a script that locks your vehicles and can eject unwanted passengers out there we had it on Houston Vehicles for years so it can be made.
  • There was a night in the last week or so on Thin Ice, where we had a friendly bomber, with friendly pilot and TG, but enemy bombardier.... who didn't hesitate to bomb his own team. The enemy was either in bombardier or pilot seat, but was still bombing his own side.

    Something to eject passengers would be nice, especially when some genius jumps in TG with light loadout and no flares.
  • well the one thing it wont do is prevent an enemy from taking your seat thats all apart of the game. jacking unmaned enemy vehicles is fun as hell. ;D
  • Thanks guy. Last night I was sitting on an interior vehicle pad waiting for my bomber pilot to come back(He skipped off to parts unknown), and I didn't want to take the ship out without a bombadier because there was heavy fire. Some shrike nublet started trying to disc my bomber so I turned the guns on him and gave him a heaping helping of don't do that again. So from now on I'm going to adopt a new set of rules.

    1.) If the vehicle pad is already exposed, I'll just move it off the pad no questions asked. No point in holding up the line.

    2.) But If the vehicle pad is hidden and taking it out is too risky, I'm just going to let it sit on the pad until we fill up. And if anyone tries to lance or disc me for it I'll vaporize them. It's best not to mess with me when I have twin repeating blaster cannons.
  • well the one thing it wont do is prevent an enemy from taking your seat thats all apart of the game. jacking unmaned enemy vehicles is fun as hell. ;D
    Yeah that one instance where the pilot (or bombardier) was a hostile while the other two were friendlies was hella funny ;D

    Maybe it was just an arbitrary thing to make the animation look cool, but would anyone know why it takes as long as it does to spawn? Maybe to try and keep things "balanced" by not letting 4 shrikes get in the air three seconds after the match starts?
  • @TheOracle
    If you sit on the pad blocking me when I need to get moving, I'll apply the tuning fork to your bomber. If you attempt to kill me afterwards, I'll kill you first.

    If you are getting a bomber in that situation, have a crew ready and waiting, or move out of the area. It is ridiculous to think everyone else should quit playing while you try to recruit a bombing crew. Also, on some maps people may need a shrike to go after a capper, if you hold them up, you are costing your team points.
  • I can completely understand that criticism, but the way that they address it is pretty lame. Also I offered a 32 man that rarely saw anyone join. Once (if) more documentation has been released for server management under the TribesNext modifications, my server(s) should yield a higher quality experience for people.

    I'm proud that I'm able to contribute and give something back to the Tribes community. I still remember seeing Tribes 1 when it was a new release... walking up to it in Best Buy (confused that it said "Starsiege"... I'd loved Earthsiege)... and thinking I'd found the perfect game. Over 10 years later, here we are. It's pretty cool.

    In thebeaz's defense, pub servers are a place where anyone can join and get a feel for the game, and we're lucky to have someone hosting a large server that noobs can get a feel for the epic scale of Tribes2. It's what hooked me in the first place.

    thebeaz, don't be surprised if you get a ton of ill formed complaints. It seems there is a certain group of them here that are just obnoxiously opinionated.

    Anyway, thanks again for your contribution. I have faith that you are doing everything within your means to improve our game-play experience.
  • @TheOracle
    If you sit on the pad blocking me when I need to get moving, I'll apply the tuning fork to your bomber. If you attempt to kill me afterwards, I'll kill you first.

    If you are getting a bomber in that situation, have a crew ready and waiting, or move out of the area. It is ridiculous to think everyone else should quit playing while you try to recruit a bombing crew. Also, on some maps people may need a shrike to go after a capper, if you hold them up, you are costing your team points.
    Stay in your vehicle and no one can steal it - don't get vehicles randomly (havocs when heavies don't need/want a ride).

    Also, get off the pad as soon as you order your vehicle or every experience player around will come to backlance you.

    This is total bull shit, same-team vehicle lancing is not typical of experienced players. Usually, I just jump in the vehicle and move it myself so I can get out what I need to get out and move on.

    Turn on your own team and you will inevitably suffer the consequences.

    Make up your own rules and the server admin will remind you who makes the rules.
  • I'm pretty sure it has been that way since the first day I played T2 (in which I slowly bought a vehicle, was TKed, called for a kick, and was kicked by the admin for being to slow + calling for a kick).

    I've seen it numerous times. It is ridiculous to think that everyone should stop playing to wait for you to slowly move yourself off the pad (if you ever do).
    You can also swing the game in your opponent's favor by taking several of your own team's players out of the game while they stand in a line waiting (which, btw, is extremely easy to mortar/snipe/lance).

    Holding everyone up at the station is rude, arrogant (why are you so great we should wait on you?), and hurts your team's chances of winning.
  • It is perhaps because the team has no choice? As we've pointed out, the spawn animation doesn't change, and adds a fixed amount of time between one person getting a vehicle (and leaving) and the next person placing an order. I could turn the question back on you and ask why you're so great that we have to drop our plans of getting a vehicle for whatever reason, just so you can get firsts in line, but that would be counterproductive.

    If there's a line, I just don't bother going for a vehicle, as I could just go skiing and probably make the same time as if I had a shrike on me.
  • If and when I am tked at the vpad, I waypoint the offender and mercylessly hunt him down over and over and over again. In fact; they become my project for the rest of the evening. ::) :o
  • This isn't about having a choice, order your vehicle and move.
  • I'm pretty sure it has been that way since the first day I played T2 (in which I slowly bought a vehicle, was TKed, called for a kick, and was kicked by the admin for being to slow + calling for a kick).

    I've seen it numerous times. It is ridiculous to think that everyone should stop playing to wait for you to slowly move yourself off the pad (if you ever do).
    You can also swing the game in your opponent's favor by taking several of your own team's players out of the game while they stand in a line waiting (which, btw, is extremely easy to mortar/snipe/lance).

    Holding everyone up at the station is rude, arrogant (why are you so great we should wait on you?), and hurts your team's chances of winning.

    Those who sit there waiting(with the exception being at the beginning of the round) are noobs. Get something done. There is some turret somewhere that needs repaired, do something productive until the vpad is free.
  • edited January 2009
    No one would need to wait if people didn't camp on their own vpad.

    What you suggest makes no sense...
    * If I need a vehicle, I need it right then, not later.
    * Also, if I go farm, play HoF, or something similar, I probably didn't need a vehicle.
    * Finally, if I go do something else, you will still have your bomber/havoc parked on the vpad while you wildly spam "Need a ______" voice-binds.

    The solution is to just move out of the way.
    If you are getting a bomber/havoc, start chatting ahead of time.
    When stepping on the pad to buy, you hop on, as soon as it allows you to buy, press the key bind (don't bother reading the menu), and immediately hop off.
    You can snipe incoming O or missile-spam the llamas circling in Shrikes before you are transported into the pilot seat.
  • No one would need to wait if people didn't camp on their own vpad.

    What you suggest makes no sense...
    * If I need a vehicle, I need it right then, not later.
    * Also, if I go farm, play HoF, or something similar, I probably didn't need a vehicle.
    * Finally, if I go do something else, you will still have your bomber/havoc parked on the vpad while you wildly spam "Need a ______" voice-binds.

    The solution is to just move out of the way.
    If you are getting a bomber/havoc, start chatting ahead of time.
    When stepping on the pad to buy, you hop on, as soon as it allows you to buy, press the key bind (don't bother reading the menu), and immediately hop off.
    You can snipe incoming O or missile-spam the llamas circling in Shrikes before you are transported into the pilot seat.

    This would be so easy for everyone if we could adopt a playing style that benefits everyone. I agree with you that sitting on the vehicle pad acting like noob and spamming the team chat with requests for tail gunners or pilots or whatever is totally inconsiderate.

    What I disagree with is lancing them when they are doing this. Usually they are just doing what they think is right rather than trying to annoy anyone. Every time I see someone lancing a team-mates vehicle they get kicked. Every time I see a team-mate hogging the vehicle pad I just inform them that this is generally a bad idea and most of the time they say "oh, sorry bout that, i didn't know". And if they want to be a dick about it, we take another course of action. But we ALWAYS give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to be cool about it.
  • Best way to deal with a heavy that order a vehicle and sit in it on the v-pad is to move him out the way. Tking is never a good idea; especially if your a vet of the game. Be a tattletell and inform an admin about the repeat offender, usually they get dealt with.
  • So please let me know where I'm the asshole for trying all I can to support the Tribes community and where any of you detractors have done anything OTHER than bitch about every little thing.

    No matter what you do there will be a group to complain because it isn't what they want. You have to do what you are doing because you enjoy it, listen to feedback and make changes that make sense to you and what you are doing. Ignore the rest.
  • edited January 2009
    Vpad etiquette, in my experience, has always been this:

    1) Stand on top of person's head who's currently on the pad. This way you fall directly onto the pad once they move. Once that person falls onto the vpad the next person gets on top of their head. Helps speed things up a bit.

    2) Once you order your vehicle, get off the order pad.

    3) Once you got your vehicle, get the hell off the pad. Doesn't matter if you're waiting for more people, you can wait some where else just as effectively.

    4) If spawning a shrike, shoot a spinfusor disk underneath it while it's still being created. This raises it up substantially plus gives it a bit of momentum so you can get it off the pad easier.

    5) Don't be an ass, wait your turn.

    And that's about the whole of it. It's not rocket science.

    Edit: Oh and 6) Heal before you order a vehicle. Ordering your vehicle than going to heal at an inv station in the couple of seconds between spawning just over rides the game putting you directly in the vehicle and you waste time while having to get into the now unmanned vehicle.
  • all are good thoughts but one standina on ones head pisses me off then the guy who ordered a vehicle cant move.You know after you order you can move out of the cicle right away you dont have to wait in the circle to spawn so order move out of the circle for the next guy to take your place.standing on top of anothers persons head just makes them and you a sitting target.
  • Standing in line makes you as big of a target. Never had anyone unable to move from me standing on their head.
  • edited January 2009
    let someone stand on your head while ordering a vehicle see what happens lol. see if you can move before you spawn in your vehicle.ill try it myself again just to make sure maybe I am wrong been wrong before heh,All I know is in most of the servers I used to play in standing on someones head was frowned on and sometimes got you kicked.

    edit to this I tried it out and it does happen some of the times but not all.maybe its a bug in some maps who knows.
  • Am I the only person that remembers the old serverside shove and pee scripts? If someone was being obnoxious you could just push them out of the way if peeing on them didn't get their attention.
  • Am I the only person that remembers the old serverside shove and pee scripts? If someone was being obnoxious you could just push them out of the way if peeing on them didn't get their attention.

    Hahaha! that's awesome! where can I get the pee script?
  • Am I the only person that remembers the old serverside shove and pee scripts? If someone was being obnoxious you could just push them out of the way if peeing on them didn't get their attention.

    Hahaha! that's awesome! where can I get the pee script?

    *snorts, coughs* Dammit you made me snort Dew....

    I must see this in game now...
  • edited February 2009
    Firstly, thanks to whoever made the continuence of T2. As I just started playing T2 12/08 After playing T1 since its release.

    Now, my input on a few matters mentioned in this thread

    Some folks have complaints that others "mortar spam". My responce is SFW~! Why not just go and kill the person that they claim is doing the mortar spamming rather than B!tch. Is that not part of the game! Not everyone that plays wants to play by the tactic that make it easy for some Noobie first class wanna play sniper to kill them. And yes, sometimes a turret may get damaged on the process. However, if I toss mortar in the area, it's most likely going at an enemy.
    I say this not to include the intensional TKer.

    Also in a game I had played, folks started to complain about Mortar Barrels being put in turrets. Personally, most of the time would not do such. However, while playing in games where base rape and vehicle ramming is common. I have not a problem with it. And did so, continued to do so, was kicked, and Will do so again!

    So in short "If you gonna base rape (on "Raindance" map= So NFC anyhow) and vehicle ram "The Kahuna" be ready to do the Mortar Shuffle!"
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