BIggest Jerks Ever!



  • If TD is on, the mortar turret barrel is generally a terrible idea. There's a few exceptions of course.

    A decent player can easily use the enemy's mortar turret to their own advantage. If the turret is away from where the team's traffic will be, then it's okay, but it's also easily avoided... still can nail a straggler here and there.
  • Am I the only person that remembers the old serverside shove and pee scripts? If someone was being obnoxious you could just push them out of the way if peeing on them didn't get their attention.

    Hahaha! that's awesome! where can I get the pee script?

    *snorts, coughs* Dammit you made me snort Dew....

    I must see this in game now...

  • Am I the only person that remembers the old serverside shove and pee scripts? If someone was being obnoxious you could just push them out of the way if peeing on them didn't get their attention.

    Hahaha! that's awesome! where can I get the pee script?

    *snorts, coughs* Dammit you made me snort Dew....

    I must see this in game now...

    Ask the guys down at the construct, I always saw it on construction mod. There also used to be a short range off-hand "shove" that worked pretty well too, it was like a much weaker version of WAR's alternate mode on the elf-gun that messed with people's inertia.
  • Mortar turrets are generally always a terrible idea if they're anywhere near your own base, flag, or assets, as in the end they'll end up killing more of your own guys and deployables than incoming cappers/rapers.

    A good turret farm with AA turret(s) for backup is a far more efficient deterrent against cappers than a mortar turret and no farm (or deployable invos either, for the matter).
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