
  • hurrr
  • Member since
  • Last active (1 visits)


  • uh, there are plenty of available CTF servers other than GH. It's just that no one plays on them.
  • My preferred method of spectacular failure is to try a disc-jump for speed boost, except that the enemy defense has just hit me with a disc roughly a nanosecond before I manage to pull it off, thus me ending up splattering myself all over the terrain :-\.
  • I have been in dudebot's tank. He does as good a job as is possible and as one would expect. I've also yet to experience him driving it into walls and make it flip over when trying to ram opponents, unlike some other people.
  • I think a link to the TWL forums would suffice for that
  • It would help if you'd tell what is wrong first.
  • Why are there no good leet capping videos in T2? Was it because back-to-back and otherwise super awesome routes and stuff were considered 'trade secrets' during the T2 competition heyday era, or what? Even the TWL demo archive seems comparably light on recordings from a capper's POV related to other roles, or then I just…
  • Well, on some maps if you manage to get a good rape going, having a tank sit and mortar people inside the enemy's own spawnsphere or a bomber making constant quick sweeping passes is a good way to break the final straw holding the camel's back up. Also there was this demo on fantastic-incorporated where Clownboat I think…
  • So, I'll take it -Hybrid and HybridSin are the same guy the way that Red Fraction and Red Shifter are the same guy?
  • Ah, nevermind. It's at 05:13, but I didn't previously notice there were other people chaining the FC at the same time as you, I'd gather it was one of the other players who delivered that final shot.
  • btw, what's with that mid-air GL shot on your own flag carrier at 3:26? :o (also, your smurf name is visible in the chat/message dialog box ;D)
  • I liked it, nice shots and nice that you also included a variety of things like capping/HoF and not just a billion MAs. However, while I think it's nice that you don't have insta-scene switches after "the" critical shot has been made like in so many other videos, I feel that the transition time was perhaps a bit on the…
  • It doesn't. .Rec and various other game "demo" formats just contain your game input + data sent by the game server (aka the input of every other player). Eg stuff like "player A at location 250 30 80 now jetpacking in direction 357 50 100" "player B at location 150 30 80 firing disc in direction 256 100 30". These recorded…
  • for scripts and shit for skins and effects and more scripts and stuff I guess the actually important ones that I use are DioShieldhud, Pilotmode, uberzoom, uefix.cs, hudmover and some thing that allows you to blow the default T2 compass to its base elements whose name…
  • g/b2 4chan kthx
    in None Comment by hurrr November 2009
  • Yeah, I quite liked this too. While it doesn't win any awards in the pimp skills department, I agree that it captures the spirit of the "real gameplay" much better than the usual cascading slideshows of leet mid-airs. Wish some of the scenes weren't cut so abruptly off though.
  • I'm sorry, but Dudebot is a way cooler name than Demoncard.
  • I guess this is a winner, though I feel it's a bit cheating since you can't go free-form obs/cam in T2 demos like you can in the original. Awesome none the less, I liked the teamwork part the best myself, because that's not something you really see much in other videos (and that's admittedly hard to express from just 1…
  • Here you go (you lazy git). Also exists as a download on
  • I am Spartacus.
  • The player is just a fixed T2.exe that will keep demos from stalling/crashing, which can occur if there was a lag spike in the demo while recording (don't use it for playing the game though).
    in None Comment by hurrr October 2009
  • In case you need more, you can also just look up demos on TWL based on match/player/whatever, though of course it's always more nice when other people hand-select good ones for you.
    in None Comment by hurrr October 2009
  • (ps. try not to quit after your first day)
  • You killed someone by getting a lucky final shot in in a 1 vs everyone else(you being part of "everyone else") situation? GOOD JOB I GUESS THIS FINALLY PROVES YOUR EPIC AWESOMENESS AT TRIBES SORRY WE EVER DOUBTED YOU ps. why don't you post the whole demo while you're at it You've probably dazzled his tiny mind because you…
  • Ask Krell, i hear he has one for chinese food.
  • Years of playing Starcraft has taught me that it is more or less the local equivalent of lolololololololololololol. Also, I guess I stand corrected on the part of there being no Korean T2 scene :p.
  • I was once in a game on Logan's Run where someone drove the MBP just slightly behind a terrain bump straight outside the enemy base, and then mounted a mortar turret on it. It had free fire into the entire enemy spawn gird (sans that inside the base), and the carnage was pretty terrible. And in this instance, since the MBP…
  • Because you're about 8 years too late. Also, Starcraft's insane success in Korea is a combination of lot's of luck and being the right thing out at the right time. You can be pretty sure there probably will never be anything quite like it, anywhere, ever. Sure, professional gaming is going to stick around as long as there…