Problem with the "Old" demo viewer

I have like a million old demos from the 2001-2002 era that I can't view so I downloaded the Tribes2Old.exe off TWL and when I try to run/install it it gives me this message
(the thing did not work for some reason but there's the direct link to it)

Anyone know what could be causing this or what I didn't do right?


  • Are you running the Tribes2Old.exe from within your Tribes2/GameData folder?
  • Whoops, no.
    That fixed the error message but now it just loads me into a screen like this:

    I must not be reading this right, it says "Backup your Tribes2.exe file, replace it with this one and then run it using your normal shortcuts. "
    What does that mean exactly?
  • It means...
    1. Copy your current tribes2.exe to tribes2.exe.bak
    2. Rename Tribes2Old.exe to Tribes2.exe and move to tribes2/gamedata.
  • Replacing the executable generated by the TribesNext patcher with something else will only break the startup and initialization scripts installed as part of the patch.

    You should just install a copy of the game from CD, patch to whatever version was in use to make your recordings, launch it in LAN mode, then watch your recordings. Make sure not to install the TribesNext patch for that installation.
  • Turns out to be a little too complicated for me. Thanks anyway.
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