TribesNext Server

I've downloaded Tribes2 on my computer. Everything works great. I have a rackmount server that I want to turn into a dedicated server. It's running Windows Server 2003. I've downloaded the Tribes2 game files at the download page and installed it. I can't open the game itself on the server (graphics card sux), so I copied a serverprefs.cs file on the internet and made my adjustments. I've created a short to
ispawn.exe 28000 Tribes2.exe -dedicated
and my server starts up with no problems.

I then attempt to connect to this server from my computer and I get this error message
This is a TribesNext server. You must install the TribesNext client to play. See for info.

I'm lost. I installed the same game files (Tribes2) on both computers. What am I missing?


  • Are you running the online Tribes 2 shortcut to connect?
  • No, I'm using the LAN short cut since it's a lan server. Should I be using the online shortcut?
  • i would at least try it
  • The online shortcut doesn't list my server. It only lists servers available online, not locally. The LAN version did list my server, it just gave me the error...
  • If you are running a LAN server, you must use the -nologin switch in your server command line, or it will be running in online mode and require an account to connect.
    If you do intend on hosting an online dedicated server, you'll most likely have to add the internal address of the server manually (hit insert on your keyboard on the server list page, or type queryLanServers(28000); into your console~ -- where 28000 is the port you're hosting on) and add it to your favourites.
  • edited October 2009
    If you are running a LAN server, you must use the -nologin switch in your server command line, or it will be running in online mode and require an account to connect.

    You're a life saver. It works now. No one else mentioned that. Thanks!
  • I should make that message a bit clearer in the next version, and say that running in online mode with the patch installed is necessary, rather than just the patch.
  • I had no problem setting up the dedicated server. I did a few google searches and found most of the information I needed. I guess I was looking at instructions in how to set up an online dedicated server, not a LAN dedicated server...oops? Got it working though, so I'm happy. :)
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