Need help with a few Dedicated Server issues...

edited October 2011 in Server Support
I've got it up and running with Meltdown2 v1490, but I still have a few modifications I'm trying to make that I can't figure out or find with the search feature/google.

1.) Admin Commands... I'm trying to make myself an admin from my client machine. Basically the dedicated server is a separate machine on my LAN which can be connected to from the main server query, but I connect to it from my computer within the LAN. How do I superadmin myself? I can't even figure out how to set an admin password.

2.) Spawn Favorites... This probably belongs in the mods section, but I'm trying to add spawn favorites to the server and I can't figure it out. I keep finding posts from other people just saying it's on their server, with no explanations anywhere on how you do it.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Also, if you'd like to try out the old Meltdown2, the server is just called "TallgeeseIV's Meltdown2 Server" atm, I may change the name later.


  • edited November 2011
    ...I'm trying to make myself an admin from my client machine. Basically the dedicated server is a separate machine on my LAN which can be connected to from the main server query, but I connect to it from my computer within the LAN. How do I superadmin myself? I can't even figure out how to set an admin password....
    I believe that under ServerPrefs.cs, you add
    $Host::AdminPassword = "superadminme";

    then, type in sad("superadminme");

    in game, then hit escape, right click your name and add to server admin list.

    I haven't had to do that in a while, I just typically ad my GUID to it manually by
    $Host::SuperAdminList = "#######";

    Please correct my mistakes in the super admin password, I've never had to take that route.
    There is no "true" way to just use the client machine to get admin.
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