admin mod



  • Your version is 301.* or around that, which isn't Qing's latest version. Your version contains the encryption exploit, which essentially gives anybody who knows how to exploit tricon admin abilities. The only good thing is that it can kick correctly...

    I pulled it from his site.
    Do you know where he keeps his updated version? If not, I'll just (try) to contact him...not sure if his information is still the same.
    As far as I know, v303 is the latest version. I downloaded it not too long before the site went down, so, I'm assuming that's his last version.
  • So Evolution was running just great until last night... then all of a sudden my 32 man started acting up again. Let me draw a picture here since it's kind of confusing to describe in one sentence:

    1) I have my serverPrefs.cs
    2) Inside of it there are Evo settings and the default Tribes2/Classic settings
    3) I can change Evo settings and they STAY changed
    4) If I change certain DEFAULT settings (port, team damage, no smurfs, etc), as soon as the server loads they are CHANGED to whatever is in serverDefaults.cs (inside scripts). It actually overwrites those settings in the serverPrefs. Some things like the host name and passwords will NOT change.

    This happened randomly after a server reset. Suddenly it just wouldn't retain settings anymore. The last thing that was ever changed was the Evo mapcycle. I replaced the normal mapcycle and the issue persists, so I do not believe it to be that.

    Should I just edit the serverDefaults.cs and be done with it? I tried just clearing out the file except for one line (as a test) and it DELETES certain lines from the serverPrefs.cs ... but not all of them.

    I'm at a total loss to the logic behind this.
  • I usualy remove the serverdefault script entirely and comment out the string that calls for it in server.cs.

    This may stop the defaults from being used, but this shouldn't happen anyway. My guess is evo still has issues.
  • I tried what you said and several variations. No dice.

    I installed Tribes2 to another directory (that will permanently be "clean" and never run) and deleted my current "classic" folder, copied over the clean one, then re-copied Evo. Everything is working again.


    At least I have a way to fix it.
  • Well now it's ignoring the custom map list. Sigh. I hope the Tribes 2 community keeps getting stronger or else I'm learning a lot of useless T2 server admin information...
  • Kater stopped working on evo before the community patch (5404) came out, and when thet patch came along, evo + patch = no missile or mortar projectiles rendered by the server. So I asked him about it and he had been working on an evo-like admin mod that didn't use packages, as the evo packages were said to cause a modicum of lag in evo servers. He said you can easily disable unused/unneeded packages evo starts in console if you wish. Anyway, the website I used to chat with him in is no longer around, and ewo folks took over updating evo code. So maybe if you ask them they'll give you their ver, or you can roll your own. But I am fairly certain evo in any case still has issues with recent patches.
  • Eolk can you post a link for a mod or two that will support Telnet consel
  • Well now it's ignoring the custom map list. Sigh. I hope the Tribes 2 community keeps getting stronger or else I'm learning a lot of useless T2 server admin information...

    You may want to make sure you have the latest version of Evo, the links here show 1.2.3b but looking through my files I was running 1.2.3c (updated for classic / last patch). If I remember correctly one of the zodd's helped update it.

    Same for Tricon but I don't think I have those anywhere ATM.
  • I found everything I needed and all is working now. At some point I'll document everything and host files on my site... most of the sites I acquired files from look like they are going to go down at any minute.
  • I found everything I needed and all is working now. At some point I'll document everything and host files on my site... most of the sites I acquired files from look like they are going to go down at any minute.

    Please don't forget to do this!
  • All Tricon 2 files you'll need, most current I believe.
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