Save game durning lan?

Is at all possible to do a console command that initiates a save state while running a lan?because I just got back into the Tribes2 construction mod and i like building huge things, and i would like to save it all and come back to it with my friends. or is this just not possible. I would like a reply from someone who actually has technical knowledge on this to give me a final verdict. 8)


  • There's already a save command built into construction. Some mods let you use a command, others, you have to use a console command.

    Open up the console (~) and type:
    savebuilding(clientID, radius, file);
    Replace cliendID with your client ID or someone elses (depending on who wants to save). Use listplayers(); to get a list of players and their clientIDs.
    Replace the radius with how large you want the save radius to be. Savebuilding saves all the pieces around your player's pieces within a certain radius.
    Replace the file with the name of your building.
  • Thank you Eolk you are the best. :D
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