
I would like to know what every one thinks about this.


  • i think there should be a fix to mortar spam and mine disking
    // #autoload
    // #name = vPlayerPredictionCG
    // #version = 0.9
    // #date = May 28, 2003
    // #author = Validuz
    // #warrior = Validuz
    // #email = [email protected]
    // #description = Changes player prediction variables on a toggable keypress on chaingun mount.
    // #category = Validation
    // #status = Beta
    // #credit = Aureole for helping me out, because I'm a newbie scripter.
    $PlayerPredictCGBind = 0;
    $PlayerPredictCG = 0;
    function PlayerPredictCG(%val) {
        if(!%val) return;
        $PlayerPredictCG = !$PlayerPredictCG;
        if($PlayerPredictCG) {
            clientCmdBottomPrint("Player Prediction for CG: \c6Enabled", 2, 1);
        } else {
            clientCmdBottomPrint("Player Prediction for CG: \c6Disabled", 2, 1);
            $Player::maxLatencyTicks = 0;
            $Player::maxPredictionTicks = 30;
            $Player::maxWarpTicks = 3;
            $Player::minWarpTicks = 0.5;
    package PlayerPredictCG {
        function clientCmdSetWeaponsHudActive(%slot, %ret, %vis) {
    		Parent::clientCmdSetWeaponsHudActive(%slot, %ret, %vis);
            if(%slot > -1) {
                if($PlayerPredictCG) {
                    if( $WeaponNames[%slot] $= "Chaingun" ) {
                        $Player::maxLatencyTicks = 1;
                        $Player::maxPredictionTicks = 1;
                        $Player::maxWarpTicks = 2;
                        $Player::minWarpTicks = 2;
                    } else {
                        $Player::maxLatencyTicks = 0;
                        $Player::maxPredictionTicks = 30;
                        $Player::maxWarpTicks = 3;
                        $Player::minWarpTicks = 0.5;
        function OptionsDlg::onWake(%this) {
    	    if (!$PlayerPredictCGBind) {
                $RemapName[$RemapCount] = "\c6vPredict Toggle CG";
                $RemapCmd[$RemapCount]  = "PlayerPredictCG";
                $PlayerPredictCGBind = 1;
    }; activatepackage(PlayerPredictCG);
  • Just because someone is better than you are at shooting a chaingun doesn't mean they're hacking. ::)
  • I don't mind the snipers I don't think snipers are hacking .I don't mind mortars as long as team damage is on. I don't mind chain whoring. What I am talking about is the hack that takes out the spread, the hack that makes the chain gun shoot in a straight line. I think if this hack is accepted It should be put in to the next patch so no one has an advantage over the other
  • It doesn't exist and isn't even possible.
  • edited August 2010
    What I am talking about is the hack that takes out the spread, the hack that makes the chain gun shoot in a straight line.
    There is no such hack, because the calculation for spread is handled server side. Why do we have to go over this again and again..?
  • under my newb helper handbook chapter 7, it says to ask you some questions.
    1. Is it possible more than one player was shooting at you?
    2. Is the person less than a mile away?
    3. Were you going in a straight path through the air or hovering?
    4. Do you understand how interpolate works in Tribes 2?

    Please answer so we can best help you out
  • Just because someone is better than you are at shooting a chaingun doesn't mean they're hacking. ::)
    I don't mind the snipers I don't think snipers are hacking .I don't mind mortars as long as team damage is on. I don't mind chain whoring. What I am talking about is the hack that takes out the spread, the hack that makes the chain gun shoot in a straight line. I think if this hack is accepted It should be put in to the next patch so no one has an advantage over the other
    Hybrid, this is why no one takes you seriously. You make-up things that aren't possible.

    Let's try this: You try telling the truth instead of making-up lies, and everyone else will try to be nicer to you.

    Don't even dare say this actually happens unless you post a demo. We all know you don't have any.
  • edited August 2010
    Hybrid, weapons and the physics their projectiles emulate is controlled at and by the server according to the ruleset - wich means mod; base, classic, ultra, etc. There are no clientside weapons or physics controls, other than muzzle transform (aiming), fire, and with what weapon. If you open up scripts.vl2 you will see all the code that controls each weapon and projectile in their various files.
  • Well I guess if you guys say so I must be wrong . lol I never thought some one could be that good with the spread of a chain gun to shoot me so well from so far away . Thank you guys and I'm sorry to be mistaken. Now I feel better to be wrong !
  • lol I never thought some one could be that good with the spread of a chain gun to shoot me so well from so far away .
    There is actually a trick to it. Its not one of those weapons were you just shoot at someone, you have to lead it just like you have to lead when MAing someone with a spinfusor or sniping someone with a laser rifle.

    Most of the people I see who do exceptionally well with the chaingun on Goon Haven are competition players who have been playing since the game came out. They're going to be better than your usual pubber just like a competitive athlete on a team is going to be better than a casual athlete who just plays with pals.
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