AKA Panama Jack

  • AKA Panama Jack
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • Sure, spread them around. :D It will make danohtwo's skin crawl. ;)
  • Yeah, I went looking for it when you mentioned it. http://www.twars.org/ It looks like they have got skiing down pat including disc jumping. The maps in the videos on the blog page look decent sized. Maybe if the guy got some help we could see something released in the not too distant future.
    in null Comment by AKA Panama Jack May 2009
  • If you want a game engine that can duplicate Tribes you might want to look at the engine used in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. I know some of you may go for the immediate put down but listen. You can actually ski in ET:QW as long as you are using the Icarus and you can perform carving maneuvers. It works just like it does…
    in null Comment by AKA Panama Jack May 2009
  • In all FPS games I play online I use both joystick in the left hand for movement and all controls and a mouse in the right hand for aiming, weapons and firing. It's amazing how many useful commands you can get on the 5 thumb buttons and 8 way HAT on a joystick. :) It always shocks people when they find out I play that way.…
  • Actually most of the players since the game release have left. There are very, very few of the original players left. The ones that are left and being nasty to new players are kind of like what you find at the bottom of a settling tank at a Sewage Plant. It's not something to be proud of. :) When you have a community that…
  • The sad thing is this was kind of the normal thing in T2 when it came out. It's one of the things that drove so many players away from the game. You can go into many other games like HL, BF2, Quakewars, etc. and the people there actually help out by telling you what you need to know. They don't seem have a superiority…
  • Well, when I made the scripts they were never designed to be used server side. They were strictly client side scripts NEVER meant to be used by someone trying to host a server at the same time. Sure they would work but hardly recommended. Kind of like hosting a server on your home PC and playing at the same time. If your…
  • Eh, there are still people who like it. The files still get a couple downloads a week. It doesn't cost me anything to keep the site up for those that still like the enhancements. :) If you enjoy them then great... If you don't then MEH... :)
  • Just wanted to let everyone know that my old PJ All In One Script Site is moving to a new server and the URL is changing. The old http://hope.oznet.com/pjsite link will be going away in about a week. I have set that link up to redirect to the new URL so everyone should bookmark it instead. The new url is…