
  • Choggomac
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • I'll dedicate one of my movies to you, once I learn to use Adobe premiere. Here is my first test Movie, I've got another 2 hours and 45 minutes of recording left to work with, so expect much more to follow.
  • Teratos, you are my new Hero, did some of the patches and bingo, patch #24834 allows recording playback and my videos are not grayed out. I seriously cannot thank you enough.
  • They didn't add the ability to replay videos in solo mode till later on. So its not a choice on the menu, unless someone knows a command line. I was able to obtain some of the old patches, but its difficult to obtain all of them. If anyone knows a good site please let me know. If I could find away around the login like…
  • I have no heard of it, can you elaborate a little on the name of the program or where I can get it?