Dark Knight!!

  • Dark Knight!!
  • Member since
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  • If you are hostning more then 1 Tribes 2 server you can change the port the tribes 2 server will use, 28000 is default. You can change it ingame or go to ServerPrefs.cs and change $Host::Port = "28000"; and then change to the port you want to use.
  • kk then its a god idea... get syntax error weary often. Thx for the help then.
  • My connection is all fine it only happen to one and the same server tho...
  • Well how did this happen? I haven't change anything and I'm pretty sure the server didn't change the $Host::CRCTextures = 0; from it self. I have own this server from 2003 whit some updates and it worked all fine for a week ago. So how did this happen?
  • and if I play without any bots?
  • ... IF teratos was admin I think his ban hammer would be wary hot right now... But teratos why do you wont admin to ban all ppl?
  • I have looking for a RPG server on Tribes 2 so i will try it when it come out. it quite fun to play RPG maps when you have some ppl whit you so keep working :) and teratos why are you so mean to Oni Link? if you don't say some thing good then don´t say it at all.
  • well i was suppose to ask if there was a way do get new texture on the server so all ppl on the server have the same. I wrote this early on the morning and my head wasn't clear so sorry if you misunderstand me.
  • well i got my friend to be Admin and then Kicked/baned me then i went to Tribes2\GameData\Construction\Prefs\banlist.cs and there it was a code my was 2007301 then i went to Tribes2\GameData\Construction\Prefs\ServerPrefs.cs and added $Host::SuperAdminList = "2007301"; and then you will be SuperAdmin when you enter the…
  • aaaawwwww... is my name so obvious xD
  • ok i try to help you so much i can but i dont know how i can help you any more, you have to wait for a admin to help you. = /
  • http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=542.0 O_o
  • the 3 W Where is it happening? When dos it say so? What dos it say ? (if it is ServerPrefs.cs/banlist.cs open it whit notepad)
  • there are 2 ways to do this. 1. you can goto Tribes2\GameData\Construction\Prefs\ServerPrefs.cs and make a new line and add $Host::SuperAdminPassword = "[Your password]"; then you run game and goto settings and make admin hud on a key. then run join server open admin hud and enter password. 2. you need a code its some…
  • the only map you need to play on server (inmost case, I have never need to download more maps then this) is flatland whitch are grate for Construction. Flatlandpack just put it in Treibes2/gamedata/base and then your don Edit: its only work when it say you need flatland.ter
  • Re-install Tribes2 make sure the Tribes2 folder is gone before installing it. if that dosent help i dunno what to do...
  • well do you have the latest .Net Framework and Direct X?
  • I got Windows 7 and I haven't get this problem. Try to update your drivers. if you have i dunno what to say :-\
  • ok I guess i gave you to less info.. sorry >_< We was on the same team, it was my server, it was on global, i could see what he wrote, i had to whisper him to get any connection whit him, i have played tribes 2 for 2½ year and this was my first time this happen, and the first time on the server, i had the server in 1½…
  • ok. i relay dont see the point now when i got it to work but sure i get up some screens. Working: By frejoh466 Not working: By frejoh466 Edit: O_o my screens did failed...
  • Ok thx to thebeaz I got it to work ^^ and teratos i have a del .dso bat but im to lasy to press it all the time... and as I was saying the del .dso thing is working but i could not start the Tribes 2, I did just get error... and if I now do :play Start Tribes2.exe -online -mod construction goto exit I get error that the…
  • ... ok this my hole .bat (I dunno how to do the code thing >_< poor me) @echo OFF cd .. del /s /q *.dso cls echo. echo Tribes 2 echo. echo 1) Launch Online Dedicated Server echo 2) Launch Tribes 2 echo. set /p var= IF '%var%' == '1' goto Ded IF '%var%' == '2' goto play goto exit :ded Start Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mod…
  • Do you know where to find the port? I Don't have any problems but some ppl get high Ping and it might help to open a port for them.
  • no i changed some stuff in the script so i think it work now... :-\
  • Try to do this. Right click on your desktop -> New -> Shortcut the Paste "C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\SierraUp.exe" whit out the " (my is in D:\Tribes2\GameData\SierraUp.exe so make sure its right on your computer) the double click and see if it works. To get it look like normal rename it to Tribes 2 Right click and chose…
  • Are you sure? i started it and run Tribes 2 but i did only find 4 Servers... well i will start it and see if some one join and i will spam a little more on the Refresh button and see if it will come