
  • Evilsizer
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • man cheating is more rampant in CSS its crazy! even then they have the same requirements on some servers. get a demo of the cheat post it and admins will handle it. its the way it should be IMO... i tried to find out what a "botter" is but all i was told is that it amount to cheating. i was like ok dude, you havent been…
  • well back in the day i made a zip of tribes2. i always put it on my fastest drive and at times i have had to format reinstall windows. tribes 2 would be on that drive, all i did was install the patch. create a new account and am off and running in win7 with a Ati 4850/i7 [email protected].
  • a bit ironic you say that Teratos... im in a server been here for a few hours and have been called a botter... one guy didnt know how to use the disc/snipe method for a one shot snipe kill with the disc hitting him first. i really dunno but there is another post here that explains a bunch. have seen it first hand, im kinda…