
  • Farrgo
  • Member since
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  • Yes, I use this tool: http://www.elberethzone.net/lang-en/dup-download.html It supports a lot of other games too, like GTA. But you can use anything: WinRAR, WinZIP, etc.
  • Thanks Dark, that worked :) ok, that makes sence Krash, that must have been what GIMP is doing too.
  • Well, that might work, but how do you open the .png images in it? It will only let you open .txd files And I tried removing the alpha channel in GIMP, and all it does is make the entire image pure white.
  • I use the The Gimp for all my editing. I tested the image in Eye of Gnome and MS Paint. How are you suppose to edit it if that is the was it shows up?
  • I have the programs needed to make the skins, but some of the png files appear much lighter in the editing program than they do in the game. I tried it with 3 different programs, so it's not just that one specific editor. What is this? It it suppose to happen? Here is an example: