
  • Nailbrain
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • Gotcha, but out of my friends I'm the only one who plays T2. The others play T:A. Had a fairly fun, low-player count match set on Goon Haven today, too. Heavies are brutal to fight, I've found.
  • Thanks for the welcome you two. @Meta - I'll look into it. My specs aren't all that great, but I'll try out the bot maps. Not sure if my PC can handle hosting a server, either(but then again, I don't know much about what hosting a server does besides drain your net speed). @Jack - Yeah, I hopped on the Goon Haven server…
  • Thanks for the welcome! And I'll do that. Graphics don't bother me, though. I'm one of those stubborn people that never stopped playing Deus Ex or Baldur's Gate|Planescape: Torment.