
  • stavro
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • i just hope that they don't kill the "team combat on an epic scale" feeling with that free to play thing. because imho this was what made tribes at least as much as all the "freedom of movement" thing. that's why i played t2 and t:v as well. i liked t2 much more then t:v yes, but it's a pity that if its about…
  • those were the days my friend
  • looool use existing pizzaclient.vl2 to get this "feature" ;-)
  • and btw RTFM would save you a lot of time ;-)
  • yes its' fun for a while, but its not T2. it's just another "deathmatch" server. could be as well ut or quake server would not make a big difference. has not much to do with playing tribes. ???
  • WTF ??? is this using the same master server ? or is this kind of a standalone game ?
  • imho T:V isn't that bad. ok it is not comparable to T2 in terms of deepness of the gameplay but still it has some nice features. it was given up to early by both the devs and the community. i would say it is more reallife compatible (less train, little less fun) ;-) compared to this days ea crap it still rox. ps: crashes i…