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  • Chaingun Spinfusor Grenade Launcher Energy Pack Usually always light/duelist/capper/flag return/harassment
  • Heh, nevermind my last statements then. Guess I will make a post.
  • I can move forward with getting the word out on www.gamerDNA.com when the admins feel its good to get the surge of new players. Like others, probably a good idea until we get the "O.K, green light" from the TribesNext team. Because with a lot of new players, we really only got one shot to impress them. But yeah, count me…
  • Likewise, I'll echo the statements of this thread. A thanks to TribesNext and their team for bringing back the great gaming moments of T2 to play again. Awesome!
  • Right, makes sense. Especially about the buggy aspects being ironed out before you guys go full throttle on the advertising campaign. I'll probably share this with a few other level-headed and patient tribes players who won't mind running into the bugs if it'll help with a reemergence of activity (which is what we're all…
  • Good to hear from another Q2 player. I'll check out your post when its up and digg it. Its the least I can do, thanks for promoting - that is how I found out about this myself. :-P
  • Likewise, I think when the community becomes so secluded like this - all you really will have are veterans and returning players by word-of-mouth. Which hey, means that by Darwinian standards - there should be some sharp challenges on the servers with people who are skilled and knowledgeable of the game. Not bad. While I…
  • Close, Everquest II. World of Warcraft does not have something like this. A bit bizzare if you ask me. But hey, maybe we're moving closer to blurring the lines of something William Gibson wrote in his sprawl series; total VR cyberspace immersion.